From Steve Dollar - Moses is in mourning

We had some very sad news today.  Moses' brother Henry passed about noon today.  Henry and his mother had been involved in a hit and run automobile accident some time ago and Henry had never recovered.  Late last night he had complications and was moved to ICU but he was too far gone.  Moses and his family have been trying to raise the funds to pay Henry's hospital bill so they could bring him home.  In Uganda, the person or body will not be released to the family until the hospital bill has been paid.  Well, since Henry passed, the family was unable to receive the body until the bill was paid.  The hospital bill was $688.  PHH was able to pay most of the bill and a supporter supplied the rest so the family can claim the body.  

That bill has reduced PHH's balance to zero.  We had just yesterday supplied a Pilipino Missionary with substantial funds and that with the current hospital bill has pretty much cleaned us out.  So, this is a plea for any of you who may have been considering donating to PHH Uganda, now would be an excellent time.

Thank you
In Christ
Rev Steve Dollar    

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