Hello! My name is Moses Muwanguzi, an evangelistic missionary and the PHH-UGANDA manager in Uganda East Africa. I’m happily married and have 2 daughters and 1 son. I’m passionate about winning souls and I travel extensively to different regions of Uganda carrying out evangelistic efforts. This experience has remodeled my life, it has tested my faith, and it has encouraged me to grown more in the knowledge of Christ.
Our Mission
As Dr. Steve puts it “Africa changes you” which is PHH-UGANDA “mantra”. It has come to our attention that PHH-Uganda has changed lives of so many in Africa, especially Uganda where it reaches to the unreachable parts. Some of the support provided to Uganda are as follows:
1. Giving out of Bibles to local leaders and believers in villages (Free of charge)
2. Supports churches (i.e. helping to roof newly planted churches, etc.)
3. Educating the orphaned and under privileged Children.
4. Donating of basic home needs and food to poor homes.
5. Planting of churches after evangelistic efforts.
6. Showing the Jesus Film at no cost to different tribes and cultures of Uganda.
7. Supporting the Gospel through monthly evangelistic efforts.
8. Organizing leadership and training seminars to equip local leaders with the word.
9. Carrying out baptisms.
10. PHH-Uganda has been able to provide shoes to children in the villages.
11. We help to empower women by teaching the sewing skills with our women’s ministry.
“I was a hooligan and regularly interrupted Christian meetings until one day I met Jesus Christ and my life forever Changed. ”
What We've Achieved
More than 10 Churches have been planted between 2019/2020.
800 Souls have been won to Christ through our missionary evangelistic efforts that include the Jesus Film Outreach.
Our Newly planted churches were able to be supported by providing each a new roof that included Iron sheets.
Our disaster Relief Fund supported more than 50 families who were victims of the floods that affected the communities in the south eastern part of Uganda. The relief aid provided basic home needs, Medical support, food and clothing to the desperate people in this region.
A new home has been built for an elderly lady whose house was about to fall, she now enjoys her new built house by PHH UGANDA.
We helped to provide a wheel Chair to a local pastor and evangelist, who faced difficulties in movement due to his physical Disabilities. He now preaches the Gospel with ease.
We continue to provide education to our Sponsored PHH-UGANDA children.
More than 2500 Bibles have been donated to local area pastors and believers who have no capacity to afford them. These bibles are in their local languages.