Missionary Report

I greet you through the Mighty Amazing Name of Jesus Christ. I’m very thankful to God that I’m alive to write this, I set off to one of the most dreadful, fearful island, commonly known by many as the Devils Island, this island is the seat of all evil, many come from far and near to get fetishes, and other related witchcraft to bewitch anyone, some for various reasons, on arrival at this island which was about 9pm in the night, with no one I know, without electricity, no one to welcome me, it started raining heavily, I could hardly see anyone because it was dark and thunder and lightning was making it so hard to know the direction I was to take, after about 20 mins someone tapped me from the back and in shock (as a result of the stories I had heard by friends before leaving to the islands) I knew now that I had come across one of the demons, so I shouted Jesus! Immediately this person said “he’s new” to mean I’m a visitor. I had been cautioned earlier on about norms and traditions to be followed especially greeting people at night. So this old lady told me to come and I followed her, ( in my early days of missionary work, this is how God used to bring people around me that I didn’t know, I had got used to this but this time around it was different because I didn’t know what I was dealing with if it was a Human or a spirit in human form. I braved my self and followed this old woman, until we arrived somewhere and she said now walk it’s safe here, Believe me, up to now I still wonder about this woman, after pointing towards the direction I was to follow I turned around to observe her better since it was dark but the moon had provided light so I could see her, the old woman had disappeared! I quickly walked towards the path where it was leading and after sometime I saw some flickering light, these are lights that use paraffin to light, they are made locally. I stopped and asked for a place where I could rest, this was another boy that I found closing the shop, he said it’s very late, it’s not advisable to walk at such times, ( at the island, you don’t ask many questions) so he told me I could pay him so as I would sleep in this village shop, I thought much about it, and to add more to this, he was to lock the shop with my self in from the outside. But since I had no alternative and after giving in much thought I agreed. So he locked me inside with my luggage but I was quite scared to sleep, my thoughts were “how can I trust him, what if this boy is a cannibal, what will happen in the morning when anyone else opens and finds me here, wouldn’t they think im a thief.? I had so many questions. But I trusted God. Very early in the morning, I began walking when he opened up, I asked for the next village town where there’s accommodation, From the way he directed me, I thought it was near, it was very very far! 

Along the way I started preaching to whoever I could find, the young the old, those in gardens and those riding bicycles etc. as I headed towards my direction I had been told. When I arrived in that village town, everyone was looking at me wondering, where I came from and what I was doing. I later got to know that each person I preached to along the way told their friends about a strange man who was talking about Jesus. So as I arrived in this town, many had gathered to see me because this was the only way to walk through other villages so they were waiting for me, I’m talking about 50 and more people gathered in a village trading center. When I saw them looking at me with strange eyes the spirit of the Lord spoke to me about preaching to them I remembered vividly the words. (This is your first audience, use it Moses) so I began preaching, I mentioned about evil practices, witchcraft,prostitution etc. some began to walk away others remained, 15 of those who accepted Jesus Christ. And this is how the rest of the coming days began with such a great assurance of what God is about to do, I was extremely happy for this first miracle. 

There’s so much to write but I’ll be as detailed as possible, I went on evangelizing, I walked for miles, i was led to go to these places where native engage themselves into idol worship, worshipping the gods of rocks, caves, mountains, some special trees, I went to all these places and declared them Void, I cast out all the demons and rendered powerless all their demonic evil powers and this is how I got the devil so mad. The witches began to hunt for me, the old traditional leaders exercised their evil powers against me, but I made sure I would leave these villages before dark and spend the night in another, it was chaos after chaos, word spread up so fast about a man who had infiltrated the devils camp, the gods were mad at their witchdoctors for failing to work upon me, the people that had traveled so far to visit these shrines were very upset. I was all alone, the mission was risky and very dangerous. But amidst all this I kept preaching the gospel, and people were getting saved. I escaped death thrice, one one of the nights, a boy approached me in a place where I was to have my food for dinner he said Do not eat, I saw them pouring some things into your plate, you will either run mad or die. This is how I survived and I walked away, but at that point I was too hungry because I had walked many miles during the day, I spent my time in the night praying for salvation of many at the island, and declaring it to Jesus. In one of the evenings as I showed a Jesus movie, someone came and hit me hard on the shoulders with a heavy stick and then disappeared in the dark, unto now I still got pain. Many gave their lives to Jesus. A family of 8 received Christ and in their compound is where our island church has been planted. Glory to God. Along the village paths I found a young boy whose story I wish to share, his parents were sacrificed by a rich man who wanted to buy their land but they refused. His siblings all passed away the day after but he survived because he had gone to a different island together with other fishermen, This young boy has helped me so much in this trip, he was my guide, he was among those who accepted Christ. He has helped me with a lot of information I needed, he helped me escape the island using a different route, my last days at the island were very very dangerous I had to walk many many miles because I couldn’t use the same way where the canoe docked, I would be risking myself. So this young boy that I named Timothy told be different stories, infact he wanted to come with me, I promised him that I’ll be back, he doesn’t have a place to stay, he has no relatives all of them ran away after the incident, he dreams of becoming a pilots, he’s an orphan and he is unable to attend school. I have attached a picture of him and other friends,. Timothy has touched my heart. The need for the Bible’s on this island is so great. Our church by the time I left had 25 members. 

The island has produced many orphans, as a result of witchcraft, many children are also sacrificed, prostitution is very high and has resulted into the wide spread of AIDS leaving orphans. Although presently I feel weak, and worn out. I’m grateful that I’m alive and I returned safe. 

Thank you Church and all those that prayed for me on this mission. Surely all prayers were received and they worked. 

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