Our mission is to bring the Word of God
Hello! Today we take you around in Pictures through our Beautiful villages. Our mission is to bring the Word of God to those villages that are still living under the heavy load of a sin filled world and absent from the knowledge of God. And part of our mission is to empower communities through different extensive measures which will be done gradually, these are many projects in the pipeline that are due and waiting for the perfect time when resources are available so that they can be effected. 1. We are committed to educate children through our PHH-UGANDA child education fund, and through this, we are able to educate as many unprivileged and orphaned children as much as funds are available to support. Under this same fund, we also cater to provide school supplies to different community schools that do not have them talking of which we have partnered with two schools where our first children will be enrolled. These school supplies include;pens, pencils, crayons, paper, teaching supplies, craft items, etc), 2. We are committed to provide Clothing to the less fortunate families as well as the elderly that are in great need. We have done that last year when the PHH director visited one of the villages that we currently work in, through this fund, that includes Hygiene products, like soap, diapers for children, sanitary pads for young girls etc. 3. We are committed to provide Medical supplies especially first aid kits, (which we provide training) OTC medicines, band aids,ointments,thermometers etc. on this same note. 4. We are committed to provide Housing supplies these include; bedsheets, small dish wares, food (basically non perishable items) like maize flour, beans, etc. The mission is also to provide food, clothing and education to those village children and adults that have never known such evident love. On the other had, we will also be addressing issues that include; Poverty, High illiteracy levels and also HIV /Aids. Through this we anticipate to create a solution for the communities, local Christian leaders and churches, we would be preaching the Gospel in a more practical way by providing Education through building schools, providing shelter through building several homes throught the Country, providing healthcare to the community by building community health care centres, providing clean and safe water. In a process to reach up to the vision, PHH UGANDA’s strategy is that at least 63% of the Orphans Vulnerable Children registered in the communities we believe these will have access to:- >>Basic education in a conducive classroom environment. And Have scholastic materials provided to them. >>Each child having a school uniform Each child will have access to basic treatment. Live in a better environment. >>Build a nice home for the children. Improved hygiene and sanitation among the children and their guardians. >>Provided with essential support in form of blankets, bed sheets. Basic essential treatments of malaria, opportunistic infections, typhoid and sleep in treated mosquito nets. >>Supports improve livelihood conditions of poor mothers/ guardians/poor women, elderly and widows in the community through supporting their local initiatives. i.e. craftwork, poultry, piggery, vegetable growing, goat and improved cattle rearing projects.- This will address the sustainability component that guardians will support their children in future. Children have suffered as a result of death of both parents and single parent either due to HIV& AIDS, drowning, wars and other natural calamities. The situation has left most children with little or without hope at all they live in fear, not sure of a day meal and are uncertain of their future. Being aware that children are Uganda’s greatest future resource, our Mandate intends to ensure and support village communities mentally, physically, socially, spiritually and economically, liberating and equipping them fully through a number of projects. With your Generous financial support, or a one time Donation, or a choice to become our monthly partner towards the vision and mission of PUSHING HUMANITY HIGHER-UGANDA. kindly Please make any check payable to; Mountain Movers International 6101 Long Prairie Road, Suite 744-102, Flower Mound, TX 75028 and make sure you write PHH Uganda in the memo field. You will receive a tax donation letter from MMI. Send to Mountain Movers International DON'T FORGET THE MEMO FIELD May the Lord Abundantly Bless you!